A place to create, communicate and collaborate.


This year to build the capacity of teachers to use  technology to benefit teaching and learning we undertook a range of activities to motivate and inspire teachers and students.

Video conferencing program

During the year we delivered a total of 149 Virtual events. A total of 639 schools participated and 18,332 students were involved. In term 4 we ran 50 VCs, with 188 schools and 5226 students. In the two years that we have been implementing our Collaborative Learning projects we have seen the participation rates steadily rise matching the increased use of video conferencing in schools across Australia.

Our program of VC events will be enhanced and improved and an exciting array of events will be run in 2014 for students and teachers. See the program below:


 Professional Learning program

Our Training Academy trained over 22,000 teachers. In the last 6 months we had 1376 requests for training which were provided by our training team.

We have developed over 110 registered and accredited courses aligned to the national professional teaching standards and which cover areas such as Australian curriculum integration, creative and critical thinking, SMART Technologies, Apple  iPads, video conferencing and a wide range of ICT in Education topics relevant to teachers.

• To see how our Professional Development impacts on teaching and learning, please watch this video:


We are members of the Apple Consultants Network and our Apple team develops courses to support schools integrate their current technologies with their Apple iPad implementations and to support schools with their BYOD strategies. A series of courses designed to show how the iPad can be used to support learning in the classroom was also developed. Learning Meets were planned to showcase how Apple iPads can support teaching and learning.

IRIS Connect

The IRIS Connect Team ran four National Forums this year via video conferencing. The number of Australian schools using IRIS connect has reached over 50. The forums  are enriched now by the ideas from Australian schools sharing their practice as well as hearing the stories from the more than 650 schools using IRIS Connect in the UK.

Early Years


Our new SMART Table4421 Collaborative Learning Centre is being used in many Early Years settings and enables collaboration. Inclusive and accessible, the SMART Table engages early years – primary learners, including students with additional needs, in active discussions, problem-solving and small group collaboration activities.


As a company we support hundreds of conferences  across Australia. We assisted principal associations and professional teaching associations to run their conferences and showcase latest technologies and how to use them to benefit 21st century learning.

We connect with teachers through our Facebook pages and twitter feeds, website and newsletters and look forward to hearing what ways we can be of further support to you in 2014.

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